S, karthik (IE03x) wrote:
I need to control a perl program from another perl program.

perldoc perlipc (search for "Signals")
perldoc perlvar (search for %SIG)
perldoc -f kill

perldoc -f fork
perldoc -f wait

The kill function sends a signal to another process, it does not necessarily kill it. How the process responds to the signal is its business. The only except is the KILL signal (signal number 9) which always kills the process. Unfortunately the function to send signals to other processes is called kill, which leads to lots of confusion.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

"Probability is now one. Any problems that are left are your own."
   SS Heart of Gold, _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_

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