   I am using following script to access Google Api however I get the following 
error :

502 Bad Gateway at ./googly.pl line 15 . 

I think the problem is with SOAP::Lite package. Has anyone experience this 
error before ?


#! /ws/ifp-22/scratch/Perl/bin/perl

use SOAP::Lite;

@ARGV == 2 or die "Usage: googly <query>  <number of results>\n" ;

my($q, $maxResults) = @ARGV;

# key, q, start, maxResults, filter, restrict, safeSearch, 
# lr, ie, oe
my @params = ($key, $q, 0, $maxResults, 0, '', 0, '', 'latin1', 'latin1');

my $result =
    -> service("file:GoogleSearch.wsdl")
    -> doGoogleSearch(@params);

print join "\n",
        map( { qq{<a href="$_->{URL}">} . ($_->{title} || 
$_->{URL}) . qq{</a>
<br />} } @{$result->{resultElements}} );

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