Correction:  That line should be:

my $perlTime = timelocal("01","01","01",$day,$month - 1,$year);

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Johnson 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 12:10 PM
To: 'Rafael Morales';
Subject: RE: Convert date to timestamp

Here's an example:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;

my $textTime = "2005-09-01";
my ($year,$month,$day) = split(/-/,$textTime);

my $perlTime = timelocal("00","00","00",$day,$month,$year);

print "Time:                     $textTime\n";
print "Perl Time:                $perlTime\n";
print "Localtime from Perl Time: ".localtime($perlTime)."\n";


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