Hello dears,

I have a file in row data format, which stores different terms (e.g. genes) and look like:

Then I have second file which looks like:
ID-  001 #ID number
TI-   analysis of HD patients. #title of article
AB- The present article deals with HD patients. #abstract

ID-  002 #ID number
TI-   In reply to analysis of HD patients. #title of article
AB- The present article deals with HDD patients. #abstract
etc., where the separator between records is blank line.

Now I have to extract those ID, TI and AB fields from the second file, which involves any term in the first file.

Colleague from BioPerl mailing list helps me with the following code:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $file_terms = shift;
my $file_medline = shift;
open (TERM, $file_term) or die "Can't open TERM"; #open list of terms
open (MEDL, $file_medline) or die "Can't open MEDL"; #open records file

my @terms = <TERM>;

while (my ($pmid, $ti, $ab) = split <MEDL>) {
        for my $term (@terms) {
                if (/$term/ for ($pmid, $ti, $ab)) {
                        print "$pmid\t$ti\t$ab";

I'm little confused now, while above example doesn't work and I don't know why 
(compilation error in 15th and 19th line).
I'm still learning...

Thanks for any suggestion, Andrej

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