Thanks Shawn. But, in this case, how would we send a parameter to the module
from the calling script. The module can see the name of the calling script, but
I want to make my module available to other perl programmers, and let them have
the flexibility of deciding which use statements they want from the module.

Wait a minute. Someone's being silly. Unless you're talking about groups of modules, you (or they) should 'use' them by the original names. But to answer your question, change the main script as follows.


use strict;
use warnings;

  our $use_parameter = 'secret_code';
use PerlMQ;


# PerlMQ

our $use_parameter;
use if $use_parameter eq 'secret_code', Module => undef;



Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

"Probability is now one. Any problems that are left are your own."
   SS Heart of Gold, _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_

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