* anand kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-12-11T22:38:00]
>          I am new to perl .i have a doubt in analysing the following regex.
>    (my $book = $ref_string) =~ s/\s*(\d+(?::\d+(?:-\d+(?::\d+)?)?)?)\Z//;
>   here i want to know the meaning of '?:'

Normally, something enclosed in parentheses would be "captured" for
later use.

For example:

  (my $altered_string = $string) =~ s/\A123(\d+)\z/321$1/;

This would change "1238302938" to "3218302938" by capturing the digits
after 123 into $1, which is later interpolated in the right-hand side of
the s/// expression.

?: inside the parentheses indicates that you don't want to capture.

  (my $altered_string = $string) =~ s/\A123(?:\d+)\z/321something/;

Here, since we don't care about the digits after 123, we can throw them
away, so we don't need to capture them.  For this reason, we use ?: to
say "group these together, but don't capture them.

There are many uses for this.  In the example you provided, it is
probably being done for the small optimization it provides.


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