John W. Krahn wrote:

Andrej Kastrin wrote:
Hello dears,


I want to count words in the following file:
ID- some number
TI- some text BB
AB- some text A BB
AU- some text

ID- some number
TI- some GGG text
AB- some text GGG
AU- some text

ID- some number
TI- some text
AB- some text Z
AU- some text

I wrote the script which parses througt the file and return the total
number of words, defined in @list. Here is the problem. There could be
more then one equal word in each record (see the first record where BB
occurs twice).

I don't know, how to modify my code; so if there are multiple same words
in a record, frequency of each word per record does not exceed 1.

The value of $/ starts out at "\n", in other words, read one "line" at a time.

while (<>){
    $/="\n\n"; #set input separator to read record
    $/="\n"; #set input separator to parse within a record

You change $/ and then change it back to the default so in effect you are not
really changing $/ at all.


chomp() is not really needed.


You are only modifying $wds for lines that begin with the string 'TI' so the
'BB' on the line beginning with 'AB' will not be counted.

          foreach $w (split){
                 $wds++ if defined($words{$w})

print "\n$wds words"; #print frequency of words, defined in @list

OK, I realize, but problem still persist. How to modify my code that if there are 2 or more same words in one record (or in one line) only one is counted.

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