"Zentara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 18:40:50 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Just Another)
> wrote:
<snip />
> >
> >I want to learn Perl. I believe doing a project is the best way to learn
> >It gives me motivation to find out more about the language and use it.
> >
> >So I am looking for good project. It will be even great if the project is
> >real-time and I can help fix or make something.
> >Can anyone please tell me about a project or point me to a place to find
> >one?
> >
> You can ask this on http://perlmonks.org , which by the way is a great
> place to get coding ideas and ask questions.
> Monks there are always looking for testers and/or people to take over
> maintenance of modules.


This is the example application developed during the writing of the Mason

Todd W.

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