John W. Burns am Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2005 16.22:
> I'm building a diagnostic medical questionnaire using Perl Tk.  Need to
> create a Tk callback process for several hundred sub routines.
> I've experimented with the following code.  It does recognize the two
> subroutines "foo" and "moo", but calls only the first
> subroutine "foo"; it does give correct answer.  It doesn't call "moo." 
> Perl Cookbook indicates use of backslash operator
> to create a reference to a named function but not for unnamed ones.  Can
> anyone show me what I'm doing wrong?

moo is called, but has some errors resulting in no output, see below:

> Thanks
> John Burns
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> use warnings;
>  #
>  # Dispatch Tables
>  # See Making Sense of Subroutines
>  #by Rob Kinyon | Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4
>  # Adding and removing available subroutines is
>  # simpler than the if-elsif-else scenario, and
>  # this is much safer than the soft references scenario.
>  # Perl Cookbook 11.4 shows following example
>  my %dispatch = (
>      "foo" =>  sub {
>   my $x = 3;
>   my $ans = ($x**2);
>   print "answer is: $ans \n"; #prints "answer is: 9"
>   },
>  "moo" =>  sub {
>   my @data = (3,5,13);
>   my $radius;
>   my $radius_ref = @data;

*if* you want to make a ref:

my $radius_ref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

but there is no need to make a ref only to dereference it later.

>   foreach  $radius(@$radius_ref) {
>   print "my radius is: $radius \n";
>    my $area = 3.14159 * ( $radius ** 2);
>    print "and circle area is $area \n";
>   }
>   }
>  );
>  my $name;
>  my $key;
>  my $dispatch;
>  #use following to test for key name in hash
>  foreach $name("foo", "moo") {
>   if (exists $dispatch{$name}) {
>    print "$name is a subroutine.\n";
>   }
>   else {
>    print "$name is not a subroutine.\n";
>   }
>  }
>    #use following to test for presence of a key in a hash
>   foreach $key (keys %dispatch) {
>    print "$key => $dispatch->{$key}\n"

print "$key => $dispatch{$key}\n";

($dispatch is a hash, not a hash ref)

>   }
>  my $input;
>  foreach $input("foo", "moo"){ 
>  if ( exists $dispatch{ $input } ) {
>       $dispatch{ $input }->(  );
>  }
>  else {
>      die "Cannot find the subroutine $input\n";
>  }
>  }

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