On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, The Ghost wrote:

> I know this isn't a beginners question, but I didn't see any other mailing
> lists for it.  I have about 40 flow charts I need to make into code. 

From a certain point of view, isn't *every* computer program, in *any* 
language, nothing more than the coded implementation of a flow chart ?

Hint: yes, they are.

  if ( condition ) {
    do_something_with( @args )
  } elsif ( condition ) {
    do_something_else_with( @args )
  } else {
    die "Can't do anything with @args";

That's standard software logic, and it's also the kind of thing that a 
typical simple flow chart would do. 


Is there something unusually exotic or complex about these flow charts? 
Why can't you just implement the 40 scripts that would be required to 
have these charts usable as software?

I don't see what's so complicated here. Are you overthinking this, or am 
I underthinking it?

Chris Devers

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