On Jan 16, 2006, at 9:03, Anders Stegmann wrote:

Actually, I have a highly complex datastructure in which both strings,
lists and hashes are values in a primary hash.


$hash{$key}[0] = @list;
$hash{$key}[1] = $string;
$hash{$key}[2] = %hash;

In Perl data estructures can only store scalar values. That's why references are used to emulate nested structures:

    $hash{$key}[0] = [EMAIL PROTECTED]; # note that @s are arrays, not lists
    $hash{$key}[1] = $string;
    $hash{$key}[2] = \%hash;

There are some pages in the documentation about nested estructures, have a glance at perldsc for instance.

-- fxn

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