On Monday 16 January 2006 14:32, Andrej Kastrin wrote:
> Hi all,

Hi Andrej

> I have the file, which looks like:
> *ID*
> 001
> Here is title number one.
> First sentence of the abstract. Second sentence of the abstract...
> Second line of the abstract.
> *ID*
> 002
> Here is title number one.
> First sentence of the abstract. Second sentence of the abstract...
> Second line of the abstract.
> Is there any simple way to transform this file to look like:
> *ID* 001
> *TITLE* Here is title number one.
> *ABSTRACT* First sentence of the abstract. Second sentence of the
> abstract. Second line of the abstract.
> Thanks in advance for any pointers or notes.

I'm also new to this game, but I'll try:


open FILEHANDLE, "<yourfile.txt" or die "die\n";

use strict;

#declare array
my @line;

# go trough each line
# shortcut for:
#   my $_;
#   while ( defined ( $_ = <FILEHANDLE> ) ) {
while ( <FILEHANDLE> ) {

    # cut off trailing newline
    # shortcut for:
    #   chomp $_;

    #push the line to the array
    push ( @line, $_ );

# join the elements of the array and print them
print join(" ", @line);

I guess this should give you some hints about how to manipulate those files of 
yours, since you don't want to join *all* the file in one line. One way can 
be to check for lines beginning with '*' (using regexp /^\*/ or something 
similar) and print those lines with a newline-prefix and the others with a 

There is probably some fancy shortcut for doing all of this in one line, but I 
don't know it. Yet...


Bjørge Solli - Office:+47 55205847 cellph.:+47 91614343
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       and Operational Oceanography

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