--- Timothy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The diamond operator works fine without escaping
> your backslashes, but I
> recommend putting quotes around your arguments.  The
> following works
> just fine for me:
>      c:\> while.pl "c:\documents and
> settings\username\desktop\file.txt"
> If you want to use the less-than operator (or a
> pipe), then you have to
> explicitly state that you are using perl.exe. 
> cmd.exe can't derive
> implicitly the program you are invoking via the
> extension.
> For example:
>      c:\> perl.exe while.pl < "..\myfile.txt"

Thank you, Timothy.  I tested a simple "type" program
on a test file located on c: and another drive and it
behaved exactly as you said.  I couldn't find any
documentation mentioning that adding "perl.exe" before
the program and file name is a necessary condition to
get pipes and command-line files to work with <STDIN>.
 This seems like it would be an important thing to
know for anyone as green as myself.


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