I hope this question is appropriate to this list:
I am running ActiveState Perl 5.8 on Windows XP with Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big. I have 2 programs I've written using these
modules. One program reads from a SQL DB and just writes the data to a
spreadsheet, about a 20m file, that program works great. The other program
reads from the spreadsheet created by the other program and does some
processing, and writes out to another  new spreadsheet, slightly smaller, by
maybe 2m. At the end of this program, I close the spreadsheet
($outBook->close();) then print some data to the screen for the user and
prompt them to hit any key to close the window. Once you hit any key, Perl
grabs a lots of CPU time and slows my PC down to a crawl and continues
running for about half an hour, much longer than it even takes to process
all the data.

Does anyone know how I can prevent this? It doesn't seem like it has to do
with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big because the first program writes the data
to it the same way. The only real difference is that the program with the
problem, runs through the data creating some multidimensional arrays and
comparing some data and replacing some fields and dropping some records.

Thanks in advance for any help
  • large files Bill Peters

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