On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:26:51 -0500, Chas Owens wrote
> On 1/30/06, Keith Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> snip
> > Wow, it is going to take me some time to wrap my head around 
> > this code.  I really like the commenting idea.  That certainly 
> > will help the next time around.  I don't get the lines where 
> > you defined the pattern.
> > i.e. my $border = qr{ cool_pattern_stuff }xi
> > Hmm is qr something special?  I guess I will start with the x 
> > modifier man page.
> snip
> Yes, it is the "quote regex" operator.  It takes a string and returns
> a compiled regex.  You can read more at "perldoc perlop" and "perldoc
> perlre".


Thanks.  I will run off to that man page.

I am considering that change the next time around.  It certainly simplifies the
area where I am trying to perform the main match.  It does however introduce a
little confusion for a newbie such as myself haveing a variable contain a
variable sort of thing.

The challenge that I am working on now is that although the $RE{num}{real}
simplifies the match of real numbers it does not appear to help me with
fractions.  i.e. 36 1/2' Sighhhhh.  I looked through Regexp::Common::number and
didn't see anything that pattern matched fractions.  A search turned up
Number::Fraction but that doesn't seem to be about pattern matching.

I guess I will try to roll my own using the qr operator.  A learning day! ;-)

Thanks for all your help.

Kind Regards,

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