
Last time I checked, perl's threads wasn't very popular to use. Now that's a discussion on it's own I guess, and not the intensions of this email to get into. I'm planning to develop a rather large perl application. Due to complexity, I plan to run multiple processes, each process being spawned from a single main process... Is there any way that I can share data between them?

Say, uhm...
 Sub_Proc1.pl - $var = blah
 Sub_Proc2.pl - I want to use $var

The main thing is that they are all running on their own perl interpreter. I therefore don't believe that it would be so easy to do. On the other hand, I've seen this being done before on some really large perl applications we used - unfortunately, I was not part of the development group, so I don't know how / what they did.

In VB for example, I would just use a single class that is shared between multiple threads. Each thread can then for example set or alter any variable inside the class, and the change would reflect obviously on the other threads utilising that class. But - that's threads, not processes. Can something similar be used in Perl? Say, multiple processes using the same module perhaps?

Is there perhaps somewhere I can read up on things like this with some good examples and documentation?


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