Angus am Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2006 10.04:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a little script that will compare two hashes with the
> same keys but conflicting values.  I have found some great examples of how
> to compare hashes and locate common keys or missing keys (in the cookbook).
> I have also found a great example of how to locate duplicate keys in two
> hashes (also in the cookbook) but nothing that helps with this question in
> particular.  The following example is based on a pair of hashes using
> hostname and ip address information.

The following script never compiled due to syntax errors...
(Push, My, etc.)

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> # This hash represents the actual data, in other words what the machines
> have acquired for an ip address.
> my %actual = (
> "host1" => "",
> "host2" => "",
> "host3" => "",
> "host4" => "",
> "host5" => "",
> );
> # This hash represents the preferred information, or what I would like to
> assign to my hosts.
> my %register = (
> "host1" => "",
> "host2" => "",
> "host3" => "",
> "host4" => "",
> "host5" => "",
> );
> My @common = ();  # it seems with this I at least have an array that now
> maintains a list of host names that definitely exist in both hashes
> Foreach my $host (keys %actual) {
>             Push (@common, $host) if exists $register{$host);
> }

@common will contain all host names, since %actual and %register have the same 

> # I also sort of wondered if I could use the values function to compare the
> hashes but this just resulted in an array with every element in it.
> My @not_common = ();
> Foreach my $host (values %actual) {
>             Push(@not_common, $host) unless $register{$host} == $host; }
> Print "@not_common\n";
> # but as I am sure you can imagine this doesn't work so well..

use eq instead of == to compare non numeric values.

> # at this point I think I should use references to insert the host name and
> compare the hosts but I am not sure how I would do this.
> # so what I thought might also work is simply comparing the two hashes like
> this
> My @match = ();
> If ($actual{$host1} == $register{$host1}) {
>             Print "They match!\n";}
> Else {
>             Print "no match. \n";}

$host1 not defined and wrong comparison operator.

> # The print statements are just tests, if it had worked I thought I could
> open a filehandle to a flat file and write out the match and conflicts.
> So, hopefully that is enough to explain what I am trying to do in spite of
> my feeble attempts to solve the question.
> Thanks in advance to anyone willing to point out the err my ways,

Also untested:

# If no conflict, value is hostname.
# If conflict, value is arrayref with the two different IPs
my @res = map { 
  ($actual{$_} eq $register{$_})
  ? $_
  : [$actual{$_}, $register{$_}]
} sort keys %register;

foreach my $e (@res) {
  if (ref($e)) {
    print "$e is ok\n";
  else {
    print "$e differs: actual @{[$e->[0]]} <-> register @{[$e->[1]]}\n";

I think this should give you an idea.
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