My question is how to access $dbaccess variable (object) defined and 
initialized in test.pm within test2.pm module?

If $dbaccess is delared with 'my' in test.pm, you cannot directly access it from another file. You have two basic options:

1. Provide an accessor function in test.pm that returns the object:

  sub dbaccess { $dbaccess }

2. Change the variable to a global (symbol table) variable. You can optionally use the Exporter module to allow the symbol to be exported to other namespaces:

  package Test;
  require Exporter;
  our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  our @EXPORT_OK = qw($dbaccess);
  our $dbaccess;



  use Test qw($dbaccess);

  print $dbaccess->some_method;

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