On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 11:30 +1300, John Bruin wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Avinash Sridhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: 10 February 2006 11:18
> > To: beginners@perl.org
> > Subject: Continuing the Basic Question
> > 
> > Hello,
> >   I installed ActivePerl, then wrote up a sample 
> > helloworld.pl script, stored it on the desktop, then ran this 
> > command from the cmd prompt.
> > 
> > C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> perl C:\Documents 
> > and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\ helloworld.pl
> > 
> > i.e., perl <path name>\ filename.pl (is this right?)
> > 
> > I get this prompt from the interpreter
> > 
> > Can't open perl script "hellowowrld.pl": No such file or directory
> > 
> > What is it that I could be overlooking.
> > 
> > Thanks for responses.
> > 
> Put quotes around the directory path ie "C:\Documents 
> and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\"
> John
> > 
> > C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> perl C:\Documents 
> > and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\ helloworld.pl

I notice a space there also not sure of your actual command line
included the space or if that is something that got put in for this
message...  As well spelling will count against you not sure if that was
a typo in the message..  I know I make plenty of them myself.

Leif Ericksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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