I BioKid am Samstag, 11. Februar 2006 20.39:
> Dear All,

Hi again

> We have a text based database, now we want to implement web services for
> the for people around the world for a programmatic access to our  server.

This is a quite general task. I think the people on this perl list would help 
for the perlish part(s) of the task, provided adequate infos.

> Our databse at the moment is not technically a database - 
> its only a server which retreive server 

Never heard about servers retrieving servers.

You expect people to take their time to provide help for you.
So *please* take a sufficient amount of time to at least reread what you 

> and present it on browser according to query say id no like 6523  or name 
> like foo etc. 

This gives a hint that you reference the resources by id and/or name.
But it's still unclear how your current text data is organised.

Generally, perl is great in taking textual input and reorganise/modify it.

> First we want to transfer this data to xml 
> then we need to put it in a database,

Why XML? Just as an intermediate format, or do you intend to use it also, 
besides the data hold in the database? Or do you want to store xml in the 

> Regarding XML - i dont have much idea
> -  we are planning for a PGSQL db 


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