Tom Allison am Dienstag, 14. Februar 2006 02.28:
> I was trying out some jobs with the Berkeley DB and decided to move up from
> DB_File to BerkeleyDB.  I don't need a lot of features, just speed.
> But I keep running into a "dumb" error that doesn't make any sense to me.
> untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist at ./ line
> 31.
> According to docs and the old DB_File method...  I shouldn't get this
> warning. I can't find anything that's not working with the code, but I
> don't like errors just the same...
> Any ideas?
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use BerkeleyDB;
> use Digest::MD5 qw[md5_hex];
> use Time::HiRes qw[tv_interval gettimeofday];
> use Data::Dumper;
> my %hash;
> my $db = tie %hash, "BerkeleyDB::Hash",
>    -Filename => 'authentication.db',
>    -Flags    => DB_CREATE
>    or die "yer fucked!\n";
> for(my $x = 0; $x<10_000; $x++) {
>    my $y = int(1 + rand(10_000_000));
>    my $t = [gettimeofday];
>    if(exists $hash{$y}) {
>      my $value = $hash{$y};
>      print "get ";
>    } else {
>      my $value = md5_hex(@$t);
>      $hash{$y} = $value;
>      print "put ";
>    }
>    print tv_interval($t, [gettimeofday]),"\n";
> }
> untie %hash;

The one inner reference mentioned in the error is hold in $db :-)

What you can do:

a) Since you don't use $dh, just say

tie %hash, "BerkeleyDB::Hash";

you can always

my $db=tied(%hash);

b) put before untie %hash a

undef $db;


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