Hans Meier (John Doe) am Dienstag, 14. Februar 2006 19.08:

> It's very strange:
> My apache doesn't start with
> [error] Can't locate SMF/Config.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/smf/lib
> [...]) at /opt/smf/apconf/backend/httpd_startup_smf.pl line 228.
> But why? The file is there:
> # ls /opt/smf/lib/SMF/Config.pm
> /opt/smf/lib/SMF/Config.pm
> and the path is obviously in @INC.
> The error appears after replacing      use lib '/opt/smf/lib';
> in the httpd_startup.pl with      PERL5LIB="/opt/smf/lib"
> in the init.d script. Before, everything went well, and I changed nothing
> else.

Ok, finally a 

   use lib qw(/opt/smf/lib);

in the httpd.conf did the trick, while a PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB also didn't.

I'm fine with that, but still don't understand how a path present in @INC is 


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