I have a text file with lines of varying length. 


According to a hex editor each line ends with a hex 0D 0A.

I can index into this file searching for items such as 012,D or 011,@D. 
 $a = index($data, "011,[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

 What I need to do once the line is found is to isolate that one line.  I can 
do a substr starting at the index and that eliminates all data in front of the 
subject line, but then it contains all of the data past, to the end of the 
  $sub1 = substr($data, $a);

 My first attempt was to then try and index on "/\n" and that indicated it 
could not find that character.
  $in = index($sub1, "/\n");

  I then tried 0x0D could find that and then 0x0A and while it seemed to find 
that character it wasn't the index was only half way into the line not at the 
end of the line as I expected.
  $in = index($sub1, 0x0D); result was a -1

  $in = index($sub1, 0x0A); result was 28 which if used to get a second substr

  $sub2 = substr($sub1, 0, $in);

yields 011,@D ,011,000,001,050,050,

Anyone got a clue as to what is going on?

Bruce Bowen

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