> That's one way to pass the file content to a script via the STDIN filehandle.
> A shorter way is to pass the filename to the script:
> $ ./myscript file.html
> Try out this code:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> open my $fh, $ARGV[0] or die "can't open passed file '$ARGV[0]': $!";
> local $/; # to slurp the file at once
> my $joined=<$fh>;
> print $joined;
> # end of script
> Here is some untested code: may do the expected or not :-)
> ($joined)=~$joined=~m,(<BODY>.*?</BODY>),is or die "no body";
> $joined=~s,<(?:SPAN|FONT)[^>]*?>,,igs;
> $joined=~s,STYLE\s*=\s*(["']).*?\1,,igs;


slurp mode is great thing ;)

this works!

local $/; # to slurp the file at once
my $joined=<>;
$joined=~s/ (?:(STYLE|CLASS|LANG)\s*=\s*(["']).*?\1//igs;
print $joined;
 this is the way to convert doc to html: first, from doc to html by
OpenOffice (much better, than MS Word), then by this script -
beautiful html :)
 What '\s*=\s*(["']).*?\1' mean?

Great thanks!
Altshuler Eugeny

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