Curt Shaffer wrote:
I am really stuck here. I need to split values from a csv value and push
them into an array, then perform a routine for all of them in a foreach
statement. In this example I am reading an email address, a username and a
password and needing to send each user listed in the csv a mail to the email
address with the message containing their username and password. I am
successful in reading the lines of the file and the ability to iterate
through them with once they are in the array, but then how do I get them
into variables to be used by the sub? Again in this example, I need to
create a variable ($to) from the first value, a username ($username) from
the second value and a password($password) from the third value. Those
variables will obviously be different for each iteration through the

Parsing CSV is difficult since it uses a double escape mechanism. I suggest you go to CPAN and download a module to do the work for you.

I normally don't do work like this (I push it off onto junior programmers, it builds character ;) so implementation is once again left as an exercise for the reader.


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