Hi all, I'm getting the following XML parsing error:

[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 13628, column 24, byte 413248:
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: <la>LA14</la>
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: <seed>5741726</seed>
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: <school_name>St. Patricks R.C. P.S.</school_name>
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: =======================^
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: <council>Falkirk</council>
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: <ce>CE-511 (Edge)</ce>
[Fri Mar 10 09:37:39 2006] insert_xml.pl: at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/XML/Parser.pm line 185

I've checked my XML file and it contains:

<school_name>St. Patrick<92>s R.C. P.S.</school_name>

This is because St. Patrick's contains an apostrophe. I have a couple of regexes to handle ampersands and apostrophes, however the apostrophe regex doesn't appear to be working correctly:

ampersand regex works:

$data->[$i] =~ s/&/&#38;/g;

apostrophe regex doesn't work:

$data->[$i] =~ s/'/&apos;/g;

Any ideas on this one?

G :)

P.S. Thank you to all who replied to my previous post, I got that array dereferenced properly.

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