Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-31-03 at 14:41 -0700, Bryan Harris wrote:
>>I have a script that takes ~5 seconds to run, but I'd like to get it down to
>><1 sec.  My problem is I don't know which part is the slow part.  So given
>>something like this:
>>#! /usr/bin/perl -w
> my $start_time = time;

Or you could just use Perl's built-in $^T variable.

>>(code chunk 1 here)
> print "chunk 1: ", time - $start_time, " seconds\n"
> $start_time = time;

print "chunk 1: ", time - $^T, " seconds\n";

>>(code chunk 2 here)
> print "chunk 2: ", time - $start_time, " seconds\n"
> $start_time = time;

print "chunk 2: ", time - $^T, " seconds\n";

>>(code chunk 3 here)
> print "chunk 3: ", time - $start_time, " seconds\n"

print "chunk 3: ", time - $^T, " seconds\n";

And don't forget the semicolons.  :-)

use Perl;

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