On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 12:52 +1000, James Turnbull wrote:
> James Turnbull wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Anyone know of a way to create a loop (or something similar) that 
> > automatically schedules the execution of a sub-routine periodically 
> > from within a program, for example execute check() every 600 seconds 
> > or the like?  The program would be running as a daemon on the host.
> >
> Sorry - probably didn't make that clear:
> The mainline program is monitoring something - every x seconds I wish to 
> execute a subroutine from within the mainline and return to the mainline 
> after executing the subroutine to continue the monitoring. 
> Regards
> James Turnbull

First question: are you running under M$ Windows or UNIX?

Second question: does this periodic function relying on data of the main


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

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