backwards. it's Because

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On 4/4/06, Joshua Colson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> # Sample code:
> use Date::Calc qw(:all);
> $days = Days_in_Month('2006','04');
> print $days;
> # End Sample
> You'll need the Date::Calc module from cpan
> (

If you're doing a lot of this, you're still going to want a lookup
table; it's considerably faster than calulating the number of days for
each month. Just grab Date::Calc where you need it:

    sub feb { return $year ? (Date::Calc::leap_year($year) ? 29 : 28) : '' }

    my %months = (
        jan => 31,
        feb => \&feb,


-- jay
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daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com

values of β will give rise to dom!

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