Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO wrote:
> On 4/1/06, Frank Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> At 06:59 PM 3/31/06, Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2006-31-03 at 15:45 -0800, Tom Phoenix wrote:
>>>>> You should loop over the input, pushing each item on to an array.
>>>>> If at any time you have 2000 items in the array, sort them and
>>>>> discard any you don't want to keep. 
>>>>>     $#data = 999 if $#data > 999;        # OBperl: one way to
>>>>> discard elements 
>>>>> When you finish looping, sort-and-discard again. You'll never need
>>>>> more than 2N items in memory at any given time. Does that
>>>>> algorithm work for your needs?
>>>> Sorting is not necessary. If he keeps an array of the best, that
>>>> means lowest, records then all he has to do is compare every new
>>>> entry with the highest. This is called "fail early." This means,
>>>> if it's going to fail, it should at the earliest opportunity. If
>>>> it succeeds then it searches down thru the list, to find its
>>>> place. This is called "succeed early." Given that the procedure
>>>> can flip between these two methods, it is faster than any sort.
>>> I'm not the OP, but I have a script with a similar problem.  The
>>> script has some logic that generates many (thousands of billions)
>>> of combinations from a little bit of data and only the best 100
>>> combos are output. For each combination produced by script, a value
>>> is calculated.  I maintain an array of "best" results so far; if
>>> size of this array is <100, then a "new" result is automatically
>>> added.  If there are already 100 items, I find the "worst" entry in
>>> the array.  If the "new" entry is better than the "worst", the
>>> "new" one replaces the "worst". 
>>> I am not sure how your reference to "fail early" and "succeed
>>> early" apply to this situation. 
>>> At the moment, the array is left unsorted.  If I use a sorted
>>> array, it needs to resorted every time a "worst" entry is replaced
>>> by a "new" 
>>> entry.  Can I avoid sorting the array every iteration?  How else to
>>> find the "worst" entry?  If I replace "worst" with a "new" entry,
>>> doesn't the array need to be resorted?  How does the cost of
>>> searching an unsorted array compare to resorting on every update
>>> and searching a sorted array. 
>>> Tom's idea about growing to 200, then chopping back to 100 also
>>> sounds interesting. 
>> Sorting is expensive, but keeping a sorted array isn't always,
>> especially if you know that the majority of your data will fall
>> outside your window, preferrably high. I'd probably do something
>> like the following: 
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use warnings;
>> use strict;
>> my $keeprecs = 10; # the number of records you want to keep
>> my @data = (10,24,5,32,4,9,8,7,6,1,2,0,3);
>> my @array;
>> while (@data) { # probably while <> in production
>>     my $number = pop @data ;
>>     if ($number > $array[-1]) {
>>         next if @array >= $keeprecs;
>>             # fail early if the number is high and we
>>             # already have $keeprecs records saved
>>         push @array, $number;
>>     } elsif ($number < $array[0]) {
>>         unshift @array, $number;
>>     } else {
>>         my($i, $idx);
>>         for ($i = 0; $i < @array; $i++) {
>>             next if $i == 0;
>>             if (($number < $array[$i]) and ($number > $array[$i-1]))
>>                 { splice @array,$i,0,$number;
>>                 last;
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     pop @array if @array > $keeprecs;
>> }
>> print "@array\n";
>       I am going to give this a try, but the data is truly a random set of
> numbers and whether most will be hi or lo, I will leave that for the
> processing. Originally it took a little over 3 hours to do the
> processing.   
>       I have added three arrays and one hash.
>       a)      array 1 holds the numberbs being compared ( sorted )
>       b)      array 2 holds a key to the hash of data needed later associated
>       with each number c)     array 3 has a set of 2000 keys I can rotate
> through as I get hits and use the keys. If key is dropped then I push
> back on the array and I have at twice the number needed, so should
> never have aproblem.   
>       d)      hash data associated w a) ranges from 60 to 800 bytes per 
> number.
>       Again thanks to the list for the help.
>       Shawn, I looked at your response, but did not truly understand, so
> depending on what happens here, I may need to give yours a short, but
> I was not following it. Sorry.  
> Wags ;)

        I ran it twice over the evening and it added about 8 minutes in 
processing for the 3 hours 9 minutes from the original processing. I generated 
an output after every 100k rcds( 100/rcds printed ). For my actual processing, 
I think I will dump very hour.

        Thanks again for the insight to give it a shot and for sharing.

Wags ;)
>> The efficiency here will depend on the distribution of the data. If
>> every new piece of data is > $array[-2] and < $array[-1], then it's
>> something on the order of O($keeprecs * N). In the best case
>> scenario, with all records falling above the current max, it's O(N).
>> In the real world, who knows, but but it should be reasonably fast.
>> In any case, the key to a project like this is to figure out quickly
>> whether you want to keep a particular peice of data, and spend as
>> little time as possible on the out of bounds data which, if you want
>> 1000 records out of 1,000,000 should be the vast majority of it.
>> HTH
>> -- jay
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