Thanks Chas,

That is what i was looking for.

Irfan Sayed


"Chas Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/06/2006 10:38 PM

Irfan J Sayed/India/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: windows command help

On 4/6/06, Irfan J Sayed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need to run the windows copy command from command prompt to copy 
> folders and files in specific folder to another folder
> I am running following command
> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>copy D:\vobs d:
> D:\vobs\*
> The system cannot find the file specified.
>         0 file(s) copied.
> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
> plz let me know what is the wrong
> Regards
> Irfan Sayed

Assuming that you need to do this inside a Perl program, you might
consider using File::Xcopy.

use File::Xcopy;

syscopy("D:/vobs", "D:");

If File::Xcopy is not installed and you do not have permission to
install modules then you can roll your own with the core modules
File::Copy, File::Basename, and File::Path.  Something like this
(warning untested):

use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;

deepcopy("D:\vobs" "D:");

#N.B. this does not use glob'ing, so the first argument must either be
a directory or file
#glob'ing could be added using the glob() function
sub deepcopy {
    my ($entry, $dest) = @_;

    if (-d $entry) {
        my $top = basename $entry;
        mkpath "$dest/$top";
        opendir DH, $entry;
        while (my $new = readdir DH) {
            deepcopy("$entry/$new", "$dest/$top");
        closedir DH
    } else {
        copy($entry, $dest);

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