Jay Savage wrote:
> On 4/14/06, JupiterHost.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Timothy Johnson wrote:
>>>Will the string always have the two quotes in the same place and only
>>>one per string?  What about something like this?
>>I tested it out and it appears to be perect! Thank Mr. Johnson :)
>>I love when I learn a new tidbit!
> A couple of things here.
> * You're not matching anything alphabetic here, so the "i" modifier is
> superfluous.
> * Using "^" in a class to limit a search is usually less efficient
> than doing a 'non-greedy" search.
> * Curly braces aren't metacharacters. they only need to be escaped
> when they could be mistaken for range delimiters.
> If you're going through a few thousand iterations, you'll be happier
> with something like:
>    /.*?{(\.*?)}(?=.*")/go

The /o modifier only applies if you have variables in the regular expression.

perldoc -q /o

The .*? at the beginning is superfluous.  You have a backslash in front of the
'.' character which means you want to match only a literal '.' character.

use Perl;

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