I'm still hobbled by my thinking in C problem so I'm looking for a way
to do this.

I'm reading from a file and constructing an array of arrays.
Here's an example of what's in the file:
net localgroup Field Aidan /ADD
net localgroup Internal Aidan /ADD
net localgroup CM Aidan /ADD
net localgroup DocAdmin dssey /add
net localgroup DocAdmin cdavid /add
net localgroup DocAdmin ktibbetts /add
net localgroup DocAdmin skeefer /add
net localgroup DocAdmin tschoberger /add
net localgroup DocAdmin aod-ceni /add

I want to sort the lines in the file by the 3rd column (Field,
Internal, CM, DocAdmin)

I'm reading the lines into an array and converting each line to an
array so I can access the 3rd column. Once I do this I have a 2
dimensional array, but I can't de-reference the way I think it should
work. (deja vu)

    my @lineArray;
        # if the line is a net localgroup line add it to the array
        if( $_ =~ $s_criteria )
            print "FOUND localgroup line:-> $_\n";
            split /\s/;
            push( @lineArray,  @_  );  <---no it's an array of arrays.
#           print @lineArray;

I'd think I could access the third element of each row like this:
but it doesn't work that way.

Can someone set me straight or provide an alternate method?


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