On Wed, 2006-19-04 at 14:05 -0600, siegfried wrote:
> This code works, but I don't understand it. It is in a source file with the
> extension of ".pm". I have a static variable agent that needs to be
> initialized prior to the first function call.
> Should not I need to use the BEGIN statement so the cookie and proxy
> functions get called? Apparently they are getting called anyway. The begin
> statement just gave me syntax errors.
> And what is the deal with @ISA? Is that not used for inheritance? What is
> the descendant class here? And what does __PACKAGE__ mean?
> Thanks,
> siegfried

__PACKAGE__ is the name of the current package, see `perldoc perldata`
and search for 'Special Literals'

Below is a script and a module to show why you don't need BEGIN. In
short, the 'main' part of a module is executed when it is used.


use strict;
use warnings;

  print "BEGIN part of myscript\n";

print "main part of myscript before `use MyModule;`\n";

use MyModule;

print "main part of myscript after `use MyModule;`\n";

  print "END part of myscript\n";


# MyModule.pm

  print "BEGIN part of MyModule.pm\n";

print "'main' part of MyModule.pm\n";

  print "END part of MyModule.pm\n";



Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

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