I have this as a part of my script:

    $ncfile = `ls -1 $mersea_cat | head -1`;
    print $ncfile;

It prints the desired first file in $mersea_cat, but _before_ that the ls 
command prints an errormessage to stderr:

ls: write error: Broken pipe

I do not get this error when I run the command/script by hand. The error 
message suggests it has something to do with the pipe, but since this is only 
reproducable when *run in a cronjob* I really don't know what the error might 
be. Even if I get the error it works perfectly (even though my output email 
is havin _a lot_ of these lines).

Any ideas?

Bjørge Solli - Office:+47 55205847 http://www.nersc.no
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center - Bergen, Norway
Dept.: Mohn-Sverdrup Center for Global Ocean Studies 
       and Operational Oceanography

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