I need to create a hash with a key/value pair as text:nontext like so:
savecrash as the key and 1 as the value

savecrash_dir as the key and /var/adm/crash as the value.

The output from each is giving 1 (true) but I need to have the values as
I stated above.


Here is my code and below that is the output


require 5.6.1;

use strict;

use warnings;

use diagnostics;

#use MIME::Lite;

$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/log);

delete @ENV{qw (IFS CDPATH ENV KSH_ENV) };


#my (@vg,@lvln)   = ();

my ($vg,$lvln)    = 0; 

my (%vg,%lvln)    = ();

my $savecrash     = qq(/etc/rc.config.d/savecrash);

my $crashconf     = qq(/etc/rc.config.d/crashconf);

my $log           = qq(/usr/local/log/hpux_verify.pl.log);





    my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__};  ## get error handler currently
assigned 2 die

        $SIG{__DIE__} =

        sub {

            my $error = shift;    ## error now holds the mesg passed to

            $overide->($error) if (ref $overide);

            print LOG ($error);




    sub dateme {

        my ($month,$day,$year) = (localtime)[4,3,5];

        sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%02d\n", $month+1,$day,($year % 100));



        open (LOG, ">>$log")      || die "unable to open $log $!";


        open (SC, "+<$savecrash") || die "unable to open $savecrash $!";


        for (;<SC>;) {

            if ( /(?i)savecrash=/ || /(?i)savecrash_dir=\W+\w+/ ) {






        while (my ($k,$v) = each %vg) {

            print "$k\t:$v\n";



        close (SC)    ||  warn "unable to close $savecrash $!";


        close (LOG)   ||  warn "unable to close $log $!";







SAVECRASH_DIR=/var/adm/crash   :1


Thank you



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