"Dan" schreef:

Please don't top-post.

> "name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> the question was pertaining to get 'name' out of "name" at the start,
> and the email address out of the <<>> brackets. however i managed to
> figure that one out by playing.

Don't play but use Regexp::Common::Email::Address

> say for example, the subject said:
> item no.00001313131 - notification of an instant payment received
> from ebay_user ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Use something like

  if ( /^Subject:\sitem no[.](\d+)\s-\s
         [(]([EMAIL PROTECTED])[)]$/x )
    print "item:$1, name:$2, address:$3\n";


If the length of some of the \s (whitespace) can be >1, make those \s+.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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