On Tue, 2006-09-05 at 14:54 -0700, Bryan R Harris wrote:
> Regarding Timothy's thoughts, I tend to believe perl wouldn't be as popular
> if the "use strict" pragma defaulted to on.  I don't code in C because it's
> too hard to get all the little details right.  Perl is very forgiving, and
> for my needs it's perfect.  I'm guessing there are a few others in the same
> boat.  =)

Well, I just use `use strict;` to catch my typing errors. And for that,
I'll tolerate the rest of its foibles.

And I tolerate `use warnings;` for its ability to tell me about undef's.

Now, if someone came up with `use taint;`, that might be useful.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

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