On 5/12/06, Kenneth B. Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm exploring ways to parse an HL7 record/file to a PostgreSQL
database table. Actually, I think all I need to do is parse/transform
the HL7 record/file to delimited flat-file, and then I can use
PostgreSQL's copy command to load the data into a table. I would
appreciate any guidance here.


Sure: cut the middleman. The Perl DBI has a perfectly good Postges
module. That leaves you with parsing the record. Personally, I'd start
with a cpan search to see if there are any HL7 modules. There probably
are. If not, you're going to need to give us a lot more to go on.  I'm
guessing most of thre readers of this list don't know what the
structure of an HL& file is, so give us some sample data to work with,
and the code you've tried so far. As I understand it, HL7 is an XML
spec, so you might look into some of the XML parsing modules, too.


-- jay
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