On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:07:42AM -0500, Sumo Wrestler (or just ate too much) 
> Chad Perrin wrote:
> >[...]
> >I'm still curious about why exec cgi works for a page generated
> >entirely by the CGI script, but not for CGI script output that I want to
> >include in the middle of a page of otherwise fairly mundane markup.
> >Since that's really the most on-topic part of my question for this list,
> >as far as I'm aware, I'm hoping someone has an explanation for that bit
> >of trivia.
> It could be that your CGI script is attempting to output headers, and it 
> can't do that because they've already been output.

Although I got it working by talking to the webhost and getting them to
fix their server configuration, I decided to look into that.  What I
discovered is that getting the script to output redundant headers just
caused it to dump some strange things into the output (parts of the
headers).  It was an interesting thought, though, and something I
probably should have thought of checking.  Thanks.

Chad Perrin [ CCD CopyWrite | http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
"There comes a time in the history of any project when it becomes necessary
to shoot the engineers and begin production." - MacUser, November 1990

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