I had to deal with some of this when I recently wrote a BB agent to
Nagios translator in Perl.

You should be able to send the information you want directly to BB using
the IO::Socket module, connecting to port 1984( or whatever custom port)
on your BB server and sending a status message.

Big Brother status messages look like this (minus the hyphens, all one

status hostname,domainname,com.cpu green Thu May 11 16:58:45 PDT 2006
[sfinfra1.ad.checkpoint.com] up: 21 days, 1 users, 46 procs, load=0%,
PhysicalMem: 2560MB(33%)

It basically breaks down to the following, separated by spaces on one

        FQDN of host(with periods converted to commas).test_name
        time stamp
        info (whatever's left of the line, including spaces)

After the first line you may see more lines of verbose information, but
for what you want to do you should only need the first line.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Foskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:45 AM
To: beginners@perl.org
Subject: net::ftp with retry & Big brother notifications from


Secondly is there an easy way to send messages to Big Brother to go
orange, red then go green again?  We are using a file and writing
messages and there is currently no way of deleting the messages once the
process is fine again.  There must be a better way.

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