Nenad wrote:
I use something like this

sub provera_korisnika     #Proveravam korisnicko ime i lozinku
{       $ime = $user->get_text; #this method get text from entry
   $lozinka = $pass->get_text; #this to

   $dbh = DBI->connect(
                                        'root', '', {
                                       RaiseError =>1,
                                       AutoCommit =>0 }
) || die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr";;
      my $sql = qq{ SELECT user, pass FROM login };
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );

   my( $user, $pass );
   $sth->bind_columns( undef, \$user, \$pass );

   while( $sth->fetch() )
   {           foreach($user)
           if( $user eq $ime)
           print "$user, $ime\n"; #what if OK
           else { Gtk2->main_quit; } #what if wrong
       } }

I want if user corect do something, if not do something

Hm... i confuse, when user eq and wen ne program quit, how to chack every entry, and if someone return true
if not

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  • Re: login Nenad

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