sfantar wrote:

: What are the differences between Perl and PHP?

    You can Google for that. I found the following article.
I think perl can be used for more applications than PHP.


: Which one is the best to build up a website?

    You don't really need scripting to build a web site. I
have used products written in various languages to provide
complete sites. For example, I just set up a web site using
Wordpress, a PHP based blog.

    In the past, I have used Movable Type, a perl based
blog. In the latest one I knew I would be doing very
little modification and the documentation is rich enough
to allow the end user to manage the site without a big
learning curve. In the first instance I knew I would
need to modify some stuff and perl is easier for me to

    You can intermix languages on a web site and choose
the best application for whatever job you are doing. There
is little reason to restrict your site to only perl or only

: There are more and more PHP-based websites. Except the
: fact that ISP provide most of the time PHP/MySQL web
: hosting, why do people prefer using PHP instead of Perl?

    Why do people like to go to the movies? Why are people
vegetarians? There are as many answers to your question as
there are people programming in PHP and perl. And I'm a
person who prefers perl over PHP, so your question reveals
at least one fallacy (complex question).

    I prefer perl to PHP because I can write better code
in perl than I can in PHP. Some prefer PHP because they
can write better code in it than in perl. Many many people
write code without proficiency in either. To many of us,
getting the job done, is not good enough. We want to
churn quality code that is as elegant as it is functional.
I can do that in perl, but not in PHP.

    Your question is like asking an artist why he prefers
the fat brush to the thin brush. He may not have a
preference. Or his preference might change with each
painting, or the phase of the moon, or something
indescribable. Perhaps he respects others who favor the
fat brush or perhaps he has more training or history
invested in the fat brush. Even after you find out why he
does what he does, you can't apply that answer to all
artists. His answers are personal. You'll have to
interview every artist.

    I prefer perl over PHP because I can write more
competent code in perl and because I don't see a need
(today) to become a more competent PHP programmer.

: I would like to create one only using Perl. Consequently,
: what are the most used modules for this purpose?

    If I were building a house, I would not go to the
hardware store and say, "I'd like to build a house with
this hammer. What do I do?" Instead I'd go to an architect
and say, "I'd like to build a house. Can you help me design

    I look at user experience long before I look at which
language to program scripts. Create a story board or comic
book illustrating your typical, or ideal, user's experience
on your web site and worry about which programming language
you might prefer down the road.

    Build your web site for your web site visitors, not for
your programming language preference. In sports there is an
apt saying, "Keep your eye on the ball." Your web site
visitors are the ball. You are focusing on the wrong object.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
Free Market Advocate
Web Programmer

254 968-8328

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