If these queries work so slow, I am wondering how slow it will work when the
database will have a million records.

See fulltext docs at mysql.com, my point still was paginate and use LIMIT (or DB's equivalent) so your perl only has to process an array of a few records instaead of all.


for( @array_fo_20_records ) {

Is much faster (and way less memory intensive) than:

for( @array_with_2000000_records ) {
    next if record_is_not_part_of_the_20_I_want($_);

The database engine's implementation of a given query and index system is totally database dependant and has nothing to do with the language you're using to do the queries.

Seems there was an indexing and search module on cpan but I coudol be wrong, I'd have to do a search.

You can always index your Database with a tool like Htdig and do your searches with that...

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