""Muma W."" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> joseph wrote:
>> All,
>> Just like to ask for correction on what's wrong with my script it gives 
>> spit out this error when i run it.
>> Unsuccessful open on filename containing newline at disksize.pl line 8.
>> Can't open file No such file or directory
>> But it runs without this error whenever i feed it up when an existing 
>> file output by df-h.
>> ex:## open(FL,"path/toactual/file") or die "blabalha";
>> Does this mean it can't trap the output of  `df-h`?
>> Here's the script###
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> chomp(my $output_file = `df -h`);
> Df can return multiple lines. I'd suspect that your string $output_file
> has several embedded newlines in it at this point. Chomp will only
> remove that last (not embedded) newline.
>> open(FL,"$output_file") or die "Can't open file $!\n";
>> my @list;
>> my %disk;
>> my($label,$size,$use,$avail,$percent,$mounted,$partition,$usage);
>> while(<FL>) {
>>      ($label,$size,$use,$avail,$percent,$mounted) = split(/\s+/, $_);
>>      push @list,$mounted,$percent;
> You might not need the intermediate list:
> $disk{$mounted} = $percent;
>> }
>> %disk =(@list);
>> delete $disk{"Mounted"};
>> foreach (sort keys %disk) {
>>        my $value = $disk{$_};
>>        print "\t $_ => $value \n";
>> }
> I'd do it like this:
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my %disk;
> for (`df -h`) {
>     next if ! m{/};
>     my($label,$size,$use,$avail,$percent,$mounted,$partition,$usage) =
>         split /\s+/, $_;
>     $disk{$mounted} = $percent;
> }
> print Dumper(\%disk);
> __END__
> You'll notice that the backticks operator (``), in a list context,
> returns a list containing each line as a separate list element.
> Since you only seem to need two elements from the list returned by
> split(), you could change the two lines after the "m{/}" to this:
>         my @list = split /\s+/, $_;
>         $disk{$list[5]} = $list[4];

Thank you, your way resemble with the first option John Krahn reply..i'm 
just late to close the thread due to timezone difference still i appreciate 
your effort.

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