Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>>>>>>"Bryan" == Bryan R Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bryan> Is there an "&&=" also?  How about "or="?
> There's an &&=, and I thought I'd never use it.
> However, one day, I realized that I needed to "normalize" the "true/false"
> value of a variable, because I wanted to reduce all possible true/false
> values to just 1/0 for easy operations in the next step of the program.
> And I came up with this:
>         $variable ||= 0; # all false values become 0
>         $variable &&= 1; # all true values become 1
> OK, so it's weird. :)  I could have just as easy had said:
>         $variable = ($variable ? 1 : 0);
> But the actual case of needing &&= was cool.


         $variable = !!$variable;

work just as well?

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