Thanks, but I am not using mod_perl.

The problem is twofold. It works well when accessed from CGI. It
doesn't complain anything at all. When run in command line, it
generates that error.

My questions are: 1) How do I know which "perl" executable CGI is
running and 2) How do I fix that error with DBD::Mysql

On 6/8/06, sfantar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Vijay Kumar Adhikari a écrit :
> Hello, I was running an earlier version of perl and upgraded to the
> latest one. Now when I run perl from command line, I get an error like
> this
> [Thu Jun  8 18:57:18 2006] install_driver(mysql)
> failed: Can't load
> '/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/auto/DBD/mysql/'
> for module DBD::mysql:
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/auto/DBD/mysql/
> undefined symbol: __builtin_delete at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i686-linux/ line 230.
> [Thu Jun  8 18:57:18 2006]  at (eval 5) line 3
> [Thu Jun  8 18:57:18 2006] Compilation failed in
> require at (eval 5) line 3.
> [Thu Jun  8 18:57:18 2006] Perhaps a required
> shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
> [Thu Jun  8 18:57:18 2006]  at line 50
> How do I fix this problem?
> But when I access the same from as a cgi program, it runs fine. I
> suspect cgi and command line perl are not the same.
> I know command line perl is /usr/local/bin/perl bu issuing this command
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ep]# which perl
> /usr/local/bin/perl
> Not sure how I check which perl cgi is using. Help.
Are you running Apache as well? I suppose yes. Which version?
You have to tell Apache where the new modules installed are.
Check this out :

On this page, you will find how to tell Apache to load modules whose
directories are not in the @INC.

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