
I am trying to create an array of references but am getting stuck at 
how/when to push the reference into the array

Below is some sample data and a snip of what I have been trying. What 
is happening is that the reference $times is getting pushed into the 
array before all the keys are defined so I am getting

$VAR11 = {
            'back' => '16:08'
 $VAR12 = {
            'home' => '16:09'
 $VAR13 = {
            'morning' => '09:24',
            'dom' => '09',
            'day' => 'Fri'
 $VAR14 = {
            'out' => '13:10'
 $VAR15 = {
            'back' => '14:17'

what I'd like is 

$VAR11 = {
            'dom' => '09',
            'day' => 'Fri' '
            'morning' => '09:24',
            'out' => '13:10',
            'back' => '14:17',
            'home' => '16:09'

Can someone point out where I am going wrong please.

======== My effort ===============
use strict;
use warnings;


 my @times;
 my ($i,$key,$day,$dom,$mon,$time,$hour,$week_starting);
 my $times;
 while (defined($i = <FH>)) {
         next if ($i !~ /^(x|j|k|z)/);

 #                                                       day    dom   
mon         time           hour
         ($key,$day,$dom,$mon,$time,$hour) = ($i =~ 
         my $colour = 'black';

         if ($key =~ /x/i ) {
                 $times = {
                         day     => $day,
                         dom     => $dom,
                         morning => $time,
         elsif ($key =~ /j/ ) {
                 $times = { out => $time};
         elsif ($key =~ /k/) {
                 $times = { back => $time};
         elsif ($key =~ /z/) {
                 $times = { home => $time};

===== Data Sample ===============

x Tue 06-Jun-2006 08:18:22 2006 2:11 [OKAY] $
j Tue 06-Jun-2006 12:51:33 2006 4:33 [OKAY] $
k Tue 06-Jun-2006 13:21:27 2006 0:30 OK+SHL $
z Tue 06-Jun-2006 16:18:52 2006 2:57 [OKAY] 7:20 $
x Wed 07-Jun-2006 08:39:05 2006 0:44 [OKAY] $
j Wed 07-Jun-2006 13:11:23 2006 4:32 [OKAY] $
k Wed 07-Jun-2006 13:41:04 2006 0:30 OK+SHL $
z Wed 07-Jun-2006 17:51:18 2006 4:10 [OKAY] 8:42 $
x Fri 09-Jun-2006 09:24:05 2006 1:05 [OKAY] $
j Fri 09-Jun-2006 13:10:56 2006 3:46 [OKAY] $
k Fri 09-Jun-2006 14:17:40 2006 1:06 OK+SHL $

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