Sorry I didn't get you, why it is related to Math::BigInt::GMP?
To me  it sounds like a SSH interactive issue...

On 30/05/06, Oyler, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you installed Math::BigInt::GMP?

Might not be it, but I was having a somewhat similar problem that it

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelvin Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 19:44 PM
> To: Perl
> Subject: Using Net::SSH::Perl to execute a set of commands
> Hi,
> I was trying to use Net::SSH::Perl to log into a remote box and
execute a
> program with pre-defined commands, something like:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use Net::SSH::Perl;
> my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("ip", debug => 0);
> $ssh->login("name", "password");
> my ($return) = $ssh->cmd("minicom -S mini_script_vpn.force");
> print $return;
> minicom is a program, and mini_script_vpn.force is a script which
> a
> set of commands sent to minicom
> The terminal output should be something like: (if run the program
> from shell)
> > minicom -S mini_script_vpn.force
> minicom: WARNING: please don't run minicom as root when not
>                   it (with the -s switch) since all changes to the
>                   configuration will be GLOBAL !.
> Welcome to minicom 1.83.1
> OPTIONS: History Buffer, F-key Macros, Search History Buffer, I18n
> Compiled on May  3 2001, 22:36:07.
> Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
> Logging in..
> c_fw>enable
> Password:****
> c_fw#Resetting VPN
> configure terminal
> c_fw(config)#Clear ipsec
> clear crypto ipsec sa
> c_fw(config)#Clear isakmp
> clear crypto isakmp sa
> c_fw(config)#Logging out and leaving...
> Killed
> But when I was running this command via the Perl Script above,
> shell: RSA authentication failed: Can't load public key.
> shell: Doing challenge response authentication.
> shell: No challenge presented.
> shell: Trying password authentication.
> shell: Sending command: minicom -S mini_script_vpn.force
> shell: Entering interactive session.
> It quits immediately after sending command.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks

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