On 16 Jun 2006 at 12:15, Paul Johnson wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 12:06:02PM -0700, Lawrence Statton wrote:
> > Charles Clarkson wrote:
> > >     @{ %$hash_ref }{ keys %kv_pairs } = values %kv_pairs;
> > 
> > You can excise a little of the snyactic sugar there
> > 
> > @$hash_ref{keys %kv_pairs} = values %kv_pairs;
> %hash = (%hash, %kv_pairs);
> hmmm, tradeoffs ...

Would anyone care to explain what any of these varations do? Are they all 

And while your at it you could also explain how to sort the reference by the 
hashkey when  
$hashkey looks like 'Mon-05'.  

$hashref{$hashkey}{name} = $name;  

I only ask because everyone seems eager to demonstate the perl prowess.  


Dermot Paikkos

Network Administrator @ Science Photo Library
Phone: 0207 432 1100 
Fax: 0207 286 8668

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